
I had a pretty good weekend an hope you did too! It was actually pretty successful, if I do say so myself. On Saturday morning, I helped with some gardening at church, and just decided to make a day of it. So, after that I went over to a nursery that I had a coupon for and stocked up on some plants, replanted all my planters, and planted some stuff down in the flower bed too. It’s pretty swell, I must say. AND…I’m super stoked to have fuschia’s in all my pots on my balcony! I know it seems silly that I get excited over this dumb stuff, but come May, it will be gorgeous on my deck 🙂 I can’t wait to hang out there and read under my super cool umbrella. The last thing I have to do is get an adequate pot for my herbs. I’m having a little trouble with that, but hope to find a solution soon. It might have to be two smaller pots, so that I don’t have to move this gargantuan one.

On my way to said nursery, I happened to swing by a Rummage Sale at a church! What luck! I picked up a couple of doilies and 2 pairs of earrings for $3.50. Total steal. Then when I got to said nursery, I noticed that it’s practically across the street from one of my frequent thrifting shops, so I swung by there too, and totally scored on some awesome placemats, and a couple aprons. Believe it or not, I totally didn’t intend to do any thrifting this Saturday, but apparently, it was fate that I should! So, check out these sweet steals:

My favorite purchase of the whole day: These super sweet $3 white loafers. Super comfy.

Awesome apron for a friend: total stead, I’ve been steadily growing my gingham apron collection. It is so much more fun to bake and clean with an apron, seriously.

These super cool placemats and table topper. Crocheted in the most perfect colors for spring/Easter! Available in my shop, click the photo!

This red Pyrex casserole is most likely from the Friendship pattern, but doesn’t have the lid. However, it doesn’t even look like it’s ever been used, super sweet!

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at embroidery lately. I don’t know how to, I have never done it, but I know it can’t be that hard. So, I might try that soon.

We made so much progress cleaning this weekend, and picked up more boxes at storage, so, it’s gonna be a mess again. AND, I won’t have any time to deal with it until at least Wednesday evening. Totally, lame, but whatever, things are happening, and for that I’m grateful! Plus, hubs set up the DVD player in the room again, total score!

Saturday Steals

We went to the NW Flower & Garden Show last night, then finished off the evening with Blue C Sushi. It was a great night if you ask me 😉 Driving toward the waterfront at sunset was beautiful. I really do love this Emerald City.

I’m thinking of a new segment called Saturday Steals to post here for you guys. Wherever my travels bring me on a Saturday, I’ll share the steals here 🙂

Vintage Pink and Gray Polaroid

Vintage Pink Shoe Trees / Stretchers (I also have yello)

Wonderful Bee Sugar Jar for my office, only cost $1!!

Can I just say that I love how indifferent he appears to be about the photos I’m taking around him.

Alphabetical Files for crafting

Vintage Blue Apron with embroidered hearts...so cute!

Vintage Crocheted Apron

Amazing Steals

One of the most important qualities for a thrifter to be successful is persistance and lack of disappointment.

It’s important to keep going even if you don’t find anything in one place after ten visits. Every once in awhile, that ten second stop will come in handy.

Yesterday I decided to stop by a semi-out of the way thrift store on my way home and found 23 pieces of Noritake “Carolyn” for my mother in law. It was her china pattern, and in amazing condition! It was in better condition than hers are! Get this, it was an amazing $35, what a steal! I also picked up a glass boot, and a little owl statue at the same place. Needless to say, I was excited.

After that, I felt on a role and went by another place that happened to be on my way home. I picked up two spaghetti forks. How ridiculous are these things? I think they are pretty funny, so I couldn’t resist. At the same place, I found four little owls. It’s my new thing. I love cute little owls.

Tuesday I stopped by this smaller thrift store on the way home, and almost left after going through the small housewares and office section, but decided that I mine as well take a tour over to the furniture section. Good thing I did, because I picked up the most beautiful little Smith-Corona Silent Super typewriter. Little did I know what a gem I had snagged until I got home and did a little research on this pretty puppy. It’s so cute, but I’m not keeping it, because it’s really not that functional as far as a useful craft item. I’m sure this sweet puppy will make someone a very happy home=-eoi It’s in amazing condition too. No dust bunnies, or knicks. I’m truely amazed by it. When this puppy sells, it might be my biggest income earner. The biggest return so far was $55 on some Pink Gooseberry Pyrex bowls and refrigerator set, so I think I stand to make a little more on this item.

In other news:

This is day three of my weight loss competition and I think it’s good so far. I don’t feel overly deprived and I’ve exercised Monday and Tuesday. I’ll exercise again today after work, when Adam gets home. Tuesday I did my first full P90X program. I did the Kenpo X which I quite enjoyed. So, I think successful so far. It will only getter from here.

Etsy Update and general

Sorry this bad boy sold in 2 hours...

Listed some more items in the shop today. I didn’t have time to do any thrifting this weekend, so most of this stuff has been just sitting around. I have a couple more things to list tomorrow, too. Hopefully I actually get that done. But here are the other two listings for today.

My youngest bother got engaged recently, and I’ll have get to be a bridesmaid. So, I’m excited for wedding stuff. I always find it a little sad when someone gets engaged, because I’m past that point in my life. If I want to plan another wedding I have to get divorced, which I don’t want to do, for the record. However, I am elated for them, and it’s even more motivation to loose some of this friggin’ weight.

Speaking of weight. My company started a competition. Basically it’s The Biggest Loser for our employees. Top prize is $2500 and it starts tomorrow and goes until mid April. So, I signed up. I need to loose weight anyway! Unfortunately, I work for a huge company so there could be some serious competition out there. I’ll keep my fingers crossed though. Tomorrow is my first weigh in so I expect some high numbers. I bought bunches of healthy food today, so that’s a start right?

My list from last week, didn’t make a lot of progress, so I’m posting it again for this week. In my defense, I had an uber busy week.

  1. Give Wicket a bath
  2. Clean the wood floors
  3. Completely clear the kitchen counters
  4. Get Christmas stuff to storage
  5. Dusting
  6. Laundry
  7. Clean off my dresser
  8. Clean my walk-in closet

I went and tried out Bare Minerals with Marlies (future SIL). I like it and have used it the past two days. I’m going to try it out for the first week and see how it goes. I think it’s good face stuff. Still not sold on the eyeshadow and what not, but I like the face stuff. We’ll see. I told Marlies to ask me again in a month.

This is the wood case that I hope to get from Adam’s work. It’s a library file and I love it. It comes apart in the middle, so would be two pieces with three  rows of drawers.  I think it’d be great for my studio re-do.

I’m going to scrapbook this, but wanted to share here too 🙂 Adam and I keep separate toothpaste. I think the state of each tube really shows some of our key differences. My tube is obviously the pretty, non-mangled one.

That’s all for now. More later.



Cheap Thrills for Â¢20

This might be a long and drawn out post, but I feel like I need to set the stage before I get to the closing credits.

So, my women’s group is doing a Tea Party in May. A real tea party, with fancy china and tea and crumpets, etc. So, I’m very excited for this. We ask ladies to volunteer to set up tables. They get to bring their own fine china and decorate the table. I am completely excited. I keep going over in my head, what china and what kind of theme I’ll want to go with. Did I mention that it isn’t until May? Well, I’m just very excited, and it’s almost solely because I love china and dinnerware and flatware and being a fancy girl for a day.

So, in all my excitement I forced Adam to endure an impromptu trip to Macy’s to look at fine china. It was glorious, because I love looking at china. The china we registered for is a modest white china, by Crate & Barrel. My flatware is very nice Reed & Barton flatware, that I still adore 100%. I love the weight, the feel, the classic lines. It will truely never go out of style. I do have a finer china set, with fancy teacups, a beverage pot and it might even be a service for 12. However, that china is from when I was about 15, not nearly grown up enough to pick out a china. I feel like sometime in my life, I am going to want a more traditional china than my plain white stuff. While we were there we wandered over to the flatware. Let me tell you, they had some fancy flatware. Some SUPER fancy silverware at $400 a setting too! Granted it was gorgeous, but I could never justify that much money on silverware. So, I thought, if I have fancy china, I would want fancier flatware to go with this fancier china.


I have a new “thing”. Incase you are unware, Adam and I have put ourselves on a budget. It makes good sense, because realistically, we need to save for a house and pay down some debt. So, all-in-all, it’s a smart plan. Fact about myself: I like to shop. I think a nice eclectic set of fancier flatware would be perfect to compliment my china, and at ¢20 a piece in thrift stores, it’s a total score. I’ve already found 4 pieces that I adore. I love the thrill of the hunt 🙂

Total Fiesta Score!

I totally scored this Fiesta Salt & Pepper set at Goodwill today! Ignore those flecks in them, it’s the reflection from my chandelier. But guess how much I paid for these suckers? Six dollars people! I’m pretty thrilled because I’ve been looking long and hard for some salt and pepper shakers that I can keep at work. So, totally perfect.

I also scored this balloon bowl!! It’s a Pyrex 444 (4 quart cinderella bowl) Originally this came in a two piece set along with a matching 441 bowl as a Chip and Dip set in 1958. It also had an aparatus for you to kinda suspend the small bowl over the larger one.

Check out my shop, I’m posting my other finds in there tonight: Asia’s Etsy

Etsy Update – A La Vintage

So, as is usual for my Saturday mornings, I began my regular route of thrifting. In my travels today I found this cute puppy!IMG_5776

And, since I have no need for two labelers, I’ve listed the less colorful version in my Etsy shop here! (What good fortune for you?!)

Please check out my shop, cause I came across some old magazines and decided I couldn’t just toss them, I pulled out the ads instead and listed them. Some of them seem to be desired, but we’ll see where it goes from here.

You’ll see some cute vintage Christmas cards too!



Also ran into two of these today, how crazy!
