Doesn’t Vintage Make You Happy?


Vintage makes me happy. The perfect Sunday morning. Aren’t these glass boots darling? I heart them, I have four, that I collected at various antique shops/thrift stores. Less than $10 for all 4. The syrup container, just precious. It makes eating pancakes with a thin layer of peanut butter all that much more wonderful….


Of course, mixing that pancake mix in a vintage bowl…well…that just makes the whole process enjoyable.


Did somebody say they wanted home made smoothies served in Pilsner glasses? I have just the thing!

And lastly, for Becky, who loves trees without leaves, whom I promised I would take photos of any that I saw. This is for you. 🙂


Me Currently

Becky tagged me, for what reason, I’m not sure. But here it goes.

  1. Take a picture of your self right now, no primping or preparing. Just snap a picture.
  2. Load onto your blog.
  3. Tag 3 people to play…remember if you are tagged on another blog we will all be heading to yours to see if you played along.


That’s me. Currently. hair not done, make up not done and taken with my iSight cause I’m lazy. Trying to find motivation to SUPER clean my house. If I trusted you I would show you before and after shots, but I don’t think I trust you.

I’d tag people, but I don’t know who reads my blog besides Becky. So, if you read my blog, comment, or send me a message…I could then tag you in cool things like this.

First Sale!!

Umm…attention homeboys and home girls! I made my first Etsy sale today! It was these amazing bowls. Vintage Pyrex, how I heart you!img_44021

If you too love vintag Pyrex, you should check out my Etsy. I’m slowly adding my inventory, I’m re-motivated now that I’ve sold something!

This Man

img_3161I meant to do this around Valentine’s Day, you know, to be all cute and what not. I was busy though, and didn’t get around to it (story of my life). Today is the anniversary of our 10th year together.

I tend to sway away from all things sappy when expressing myself to people outside of my relationship with Adam. For whatever reason, though, I just wanted to take the time to acknowledge my wonderful husband and write down how I’m feeling. So, you’ve been warned. It’s gonna get sappy.

For roughly 40% of my life, Adam has been there. Not every minute, but a constant figure. Those initial years were VERY inconsistent. Wonderful at times, and amazingly difficult at times. We were in high school for Pete’s sake! In no way, did I ever dream that I would marry this gangly kid from 10th grade. Let’s face it, nobody goes into a high school relationship thinking this could be the person they marry. People are more apt to think, “hey, this will be fun for a minute”. I’m not proud of the early stages of our relationship by any means. Quite honestly, there are some painful memories from early on. None the less, I do not regret going through them. We have grown together, which isn’t something all couples are able to do.

Now, two years after we were married, I can’t imagine my life with any other man. He’s grown into a remarkable person. It hurts me to see people who neglect to take notice of the man he’s becoming. He’s has an outstanding work ethic, he’s nice to everyone, he’s involved in church, wants children someday, and loves people with his entire heart (myself included). Let’s not fail to mention the seriousness with which he attacks personal goals like golf and gaining weight.

Over the last year, my work schedule has changed, and he arrives home at least an hour before I do. He often has dinner ready when I get home. When my car needs gas or air in a tire, he gladly takes it to work and fills it up on his way home. I never have to make rice or boxed macaroni and cheese. He takes out the garbage and cleans the bathroom, and does all the barbequing. He starts my water for me when I want to take a shower and wakes me up in the morning for the gym or work. He just does so many things that make my life a whole lot easier.

I have friends who had the money, the house, the fabulous wedding, and are now divorced. It makes my heart sad. Not because I think that we, too, could end up that way, but because I want more people to have what Adam and I have. When we were going through pre-marital counseling (a requirement of the Catholic church before marriage), we learned a lot about our relationship and the type of couple we wanted to be. It was put in simple terms. When you hang out with a bad couple you lower your standards. On the drive home you might say something like, “We might throw rocks at each other’s faces, but at least we don’t cut each other’s toes off.” When you hang out with a good couple you leave the evening feeling like you had a good time, “Gee, aren’t Ricky and Lucy so great to hang out with?” I think we are the Ricky and Lucy. (If you disagree, keep your mouth shut, cause you are wrong)

So, Babe, thank you. Thank you for holding me when I’m sad, for trying to give me space when I need it for allowing me to be myself, for loving me even when I think I’m failing, for telling me that it’s going to be okay when I’m stressing out, for tackling all the projects I bring your way, for acknowledging how amazing everything I make is, even the bad cupcakes, and for being on this journey with me.

I love you.