Embarking on the Digital Age


My dear friend Becky (with Lindsay, and Baby Kieffer’s help) has pushed me into the digital age of scrapbooking. I feel a little liberated that I won’t need all this physical “stuff” to look through and put together, and purchase. I spent some time tooling around with it. I have Photoshop on my iMac, but on my new MacBook it’s not installing properly for some reason. This lead me to download the trial version of Photoshop Elements. I’ve found that it’s perfectly functional for the purposes of scrapbooking, creating digital flyers and what not. It has all the things that I actually use, and not all the extra garbage that I’m sure took up tons of space on my hard drive that I never touched, like Bridge. I don’t even know what that is. I learned all kinds of new things just tinkering around on my own with the above layout. It’s pretty geeky exciting. I got totally jazzed working on this layout. Since, I’ve only done one other layout, that I’m not perfectly happy with, but there has to be an end to messing around with a layout, or you could spend eons.

Yesterday was a fairly good day. I got really worked up at work completing this master project I’m working on. I felt really good about it, and then ended my day with a terrible meeting that just made me angry. BUT, it’s also those types of meetings that make me feel like I’m super good at my job. It’s a double edged sword.

My evening was pretty nice. I went home, and took a million calls to deal with some work escalations, but then it was great. I went on a walk with Adam, which I’m told, is the right kind of exercise for a pregnant woman to be getting. Afterwards, Adam and I made breakfast for dinner, which was pretty delicious, but I always love breakfast. After we settled down from dinner a little, we started work on our Europe scrapbook. We kept countless receipts, coasters, pamphlets, etc of all the cool things we did in Europe, and since those are physical items I decided this would be my last physical scrapbook. I bought a Smash Book, which I think will be ideal for putting it all together. You basically just glue and tape in pictures. The problem is that we have a bazillion pictures. So – I’ll likely want a physical and NON physical scrapbook to document our last expedition (the expedition of a LIFETIME) before we went down this path of having children.

A note on getting pregnant: We knew we wanted kids, and that we’d start trying sometime in the near future. When we planned our Europe trip, we knew this was probably going to be the last truly special thing that we did with just the two of us. We decided that we would start trying to make our little family while in Europe, because that could only add to the excitement. We figured it would take a couple months to get pregnant, and I was prepared to feel the sadness of getting my period every month, knowing that this time I actually didn’t want it to come. Our trip was beyond amazing. The things that we experienced together, and the memories that we made will be something we’ll have for our entire lives. Experiencing life really makes us much closer to each other and we both have the same appreciation for travel, new experiences, and each other. We came out of this trip more in love than we’ve ever been, and very fulfilled with all the choices we made while travelling. I don’t think there is a single thing either of us would have done differently (ok, maybe I wouldn’t have kissed that girl, or let Adam sit at the train station while I went in search of a bathroom, but it was all part of the trip).

When we arrived home, after 32 odd days of being gone from US soil, I realized I hadn’t had a period. It had crossed my mind in Europe, but I’ve always been irregular, and sometimes my red tides are 40 days apart. So, I pushed those thoughts aside and figured we could figure that all out when we were home. I took a pregnancy test the day we got home, after a nap. That sucker showed up positive! We were both so excited, we didn’t really know how to react. The realness wasn’t really sunk in yet. I proceeded to take 4 test over the next couple days, and then called the Dr. We were immediately advised we were pregnant if we’ve taken that many all positive tests, and they scheduled us to come in 3 weeks later. Those were 3 excruciating weeks of waiting for official confirmation. I think once that blob showed up on the screen and we saw our bean, a new level of really hit us.

Project Life 2012


This is my very first digital layout. I’ve just got back from Europe for work this week, and I’m still jet lagged. So, I’ve been waking up around 2:30 every morning. This morning, I though being productive might lull me back to sleep so I came into my office and started watching some videos on Ali Edwards about how to use Photoshop Elements, and downloaded the free 30 day trial. I really like it! I can see this cutting down on my actual amount of crap I have around hugely!

Project Life is a system by Becky Higgins that Ali’s been doing for the past year, and my bestie Becky bought also. So, I decided to jump in this year because I miss printing photos and I want my life documented so that we can look back on what a year it’s been! I should have probably started on January, but I was so amped with the trip I finished that the first thing I put together was the Prague opener.

I can’t wait to get into this, and I took today off, just to work on my crafting. It’s 11:30 and nothing is in my book yet, but Adam has things going on tonight, so I’ll have plenty of time. I’m on my way out the door to the craft store to pick up some supplies, and then I’ll be back.

Project Life 2012


This is my very first digital layout. I’ve just got back from Europe for work this week, and I’m still jet lagged. So, I’ve been waking up around 2:30 every morning. This morning, I though being productive might lull me back to sleep so I came into my office and started watching some videos on Ali Edwards about how to use Photoshop Elements, and downloaded the free 30 day trial. I really like it! I can see this cutting down on my actual amount of crap I have around hugely!

Project Life is a system by Becky Higgins that Ali’s been doing for the past year, and my bestie Becky bought also. So, I decided to jump in this year because I miss printing photos and I want my life documented so that we can look back on what a year it’s been! I should have probably started on January, but I was so amped with the trip I finished that the first thing I put together was the Prague opener.

I can’t wait to get into this, and I took today off, just to work on my crafting. It’s 11:30 and nothing is in my book yet, but Adam has things going on tonight, so I’ll have plenty of time. I’m on my way out the door to the craft store to pick up some supplies, and then I’ll be back.

Terribly busy

Apologies for my absense lately. It’s been pretty crazy lately. Mostly because I wrapped up my big Tea Party I was organizing for my women’s group. We had 95 people in attendance and it was a huge success. More on that later. Secondly, I have a ton more responsibility at work. It’s a little ridiculous honestly, and I’ve been working a ton, but it’s all good. I’m appreciative that I have a job.

So let’s see what I’ve been up to…

1. Check out my nail polish inventory… I obviously have a thing for purples/pinks. I can honestly say that I didn’t realize I had this much nail polish (35 different bottles). I bought three more yesterday 🙂 (Shut your face!)

2. Tea Party extroidinaire. This was my beautiful table. Posting more pics over at Smug Mug of the whole event. It was honestly a huge success and I can’t wait for next years. It was super fun, a lot of work and I’ve definitely learned some great things for next year, like deligating better.

3. Saturday Steals: This wonderful vintage linen piece for the table. It’s super cute for a $1.50!!

4. My peonies are getting ready to burst! I’m pretty excited about them. I just LOVE peonies. They are so fluffly and lush and lovely. I just like the look of them, likea big fluffy persian cat to cuddle into. They just invite you to shove your face in them!

This plant, a Euphorbia, is a little weird. It’s more than trippled in size in the last couple years. It gros so well, I cut it back every year, and then it comes back bushier than ever. Supposedly, if I dig a hole in the ground and plant one of the stalks into it, it will turn into a plant. I’m not sure about that, but I think I’ll give it a try.

My snapdragons grew back awesome, even with the bitter cold winters. They are ready to pop open too 🙂

My day lilies on the other hand, are not shooting up their buds yet. It worries me, but I haven’t seen others in the neighborhood yet, so I’m sure they’ll eventually come.

5. One of my favorite scrapbook stores up in Lynnwood, Lasting Memories is closing it’s doors. It makes me sad. That’s two really good stores in the past year that have shut their doors. Where am I supposed to go for supplies now? There is a place in Issaquah and Shoreline, so those will have to do. Luckily, the Shoreline one isn’t that far away. I swung by Lasting Memories last night and picked up some discounted stuff and asked about paper trays. We’ll see what happens, but I would love some. I’m on a waiting list.

6. My kitties are adorable. Wicket is huge, and it makes Yoji seem tiny. Both so sweet though.

7. We bought a blue ray player, because my DVD player broke. WTF? AND, why doesn’t the Wii play DVD’s? That seems dumb. Way to miss out on a piece of the market Nintendo.

8. This morning I made fancey pancakes. Check out my robot and golf club and mini Mickey. There were flowers too, but I ate them.

9. Check out me using my awesome lettuce that I grew myself! Delicious.

10. We swung by Pike Place Market today, and it was fabulous. We bought raspberry’s and strawberries. Delicious.

Thee End…

Inspired…get ready for a long one

I’ve been inspired lately by the great Ali Edwards. She’s was recently in the midst of sharing her December Daily Album with us again. Last year, I took her idea and created a Holiday ’08 album. I love the Christmas season, but really, I love all the great things that come with the Holiday season. I felt that Thanksgiving needed to be included, because there is a lot that’s done in November that adds to my overall enthusiasm and gratefulness for the season. That’s one of the great things about Ali, she’s always encouraging people to take her ideas and turn them into something that works for them. Here are some snippets of my Holiday ’08 Album. I really want to do a Hoilday ’09 album, but who knows right now.

Someone else who is inspiring me, Apron Thrift Girl. I too am an avid thrifter. My husband coined the term Relentless Thrifter, which I think suits quite well. In the past six months or so, I’ve been toying with the idea of reselling more hard core. As it is right now, I thrift every saturday, and LOVE it. It excites me to find my “steals” and it’s cheaper than a shoe fetish (I’m not saying I don’t have a shoe fetish). One of the best things about thrifting is that I get instant gratification, and I always come across things that thrill me, even if I’m not buying them. Like old luggage. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I do. I never buy it, I just look at it. I’m not afraid to get dirty, and search for something in a pile of mess. You can’t be sheepish about estate sales, or garages full of dark corners. You just go for it and hope for the best. So, right now, I pick up things that I have a passion for, like vintage kitchenwares and sell them on Etsy. Pyrex started this fascination. I LOVE Pyrex. All of it. It’s just such handy stuff and really fun to look at.

This weekend I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life. In order to move up in my company, I’d have to get my BA, and if I choose to do that, I’m committing to school, and if I move up, I’m also committing more of my time, because there would be a lot more overtime involved. That doesn’t seem like the best idea to me, because, realistically, I want to start a family in not too awefully long. I don’t think it’d be wise to sign up for all sorts of extra work if I’m planning kids. I want to be around them.

Ideally, I would have a stay at home job. I’d love to design stuff like Ali or Katie does, but I don’t know how to use the tools to even go there, plus there is the initial investment of the tools. So, I’m reading a book called Craft, Inc. right now. It’s about turning your creative hobby into a business. It sure does make you think. One of the things they say is to hone in on one thing at first, and just really concentrate on that. I’m having a hard time picking just one thing, because I like to do a million different crafts.

Personally, I think I’d like reselling as a home business. So, I’m just thinking more on it and surveying the possibilities, but I think it’s exciting to think about.

Scrapbook: Grandpa’s 90th


Just for the record, since there seem to be quite a few baby related items on the blog these days, I do not have any children, and I am not pregnant with any children.

Here is the 90th birthday album I did for Adam/my Grandpa. Yeah, he’s getting up there. There are a ton of pictures, which I struggled with a bit. Some stories to incorporate, etc. I’m a big fan of embellishments, etc. and I just had a hard time time finding my zhen with this one. Mailed it off via priority on Saturday. I hope he loves it!


In other news, a bunch of people saw my blog this weekend. That is exciting, and I just like it when people see pictures of what I do, even though a large part of my hobbies are very similar to hobbies of ladies that are much older than me. Shut up! I’m feeling like a lot of my projects are wrapping up. The scrapbook is done, finished some baby shower gifts, worked on shower gifts for this weekend… Still some work to be done, but I feel a little more like I can focus on myself, and the things I really want to be doing. Which is very, very good indeed.

I need to schedule some vacation time too, and I’m not doing so well with that, cause I’m having a hard time deciding on dates.